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Keyboard Shortcuts


Shortcut Description
shift-click Select ranges in multi-select menus


Shortcut Description
/shift-click a gate in the hierarchy Select or deselect multiple gates
escape Cancel drawing a new gate
delete when a gate is selected Delete a gate
delete when a single point in polygon gate is selected Remove point from polygon gate
when a gate is selected Move a gate
when a single point of a gate is selected Move the selected point
when file selector is focused Navigate through files
home or fn if the file selector is focused Move to the first page or file
end or fn if the file selector is focused Move to the last page or file


Shortcut Description
when checking or unchecking columns in the Filenames to annotations tool Include or omit all


Shortcut Description
Zoom in
Zoom out
Zoom 100%
Select all
shift while drawing or modifying Snap a line or arrow to compass points
shift-drag after clicking a component in the toolbar or Insert menu Insert a square aspect-ratio component
shift-drag while resizing Preserve the aspect ratio of a component
escape Cancel inserting a component
shift/ctrl-click Add/remove a component from a multi-selection
Move selected components
backspace/delete Delete selected component
Navigate through pages/files with batch page selector or FCS file selector focused
home or fn with batch page selector or FCS file selector focused Move to the first page or file
end or fn with batch page selector or FCS file selector focused Move to the last page or file